Find inspiration in our curated catalog of letters to clients. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.
Letters to clients are letters a person or organization writes to other people and/or organizations that benefit from the senders' products or professional services. These could be welcome letters to welcome the clients to the organization, introduction letters to introduce a product or service to the clients, or thank-you letters to appreciate clients for their continued support. They could also be response letters to respond to clients' queries or inform letters to notify the clients of important matters like discounts on products and services, relocation of offices, etc. Basically, a letter to a client can be just about anything, as long as whatever you are communicating is business-related.
Letters to clients are business letters, and therefore, they should be formal and professional. Start the letter with a proper salutation. Clearly state the purpose of your letter. If a client is required to take a certain urgent action, make sure to specify exactly what he/she is supposed to do. Be brief and straightforward and avoid adding irrelevant details. Close the letter by warmly inviting the recipient to respond or to take the necessary action. Sign the letter and provide your contact details. Print the letter on the company's letterhead.