Honors Contract Guidelines and Timeline

Students studying for finals

This page contains the guidelines and timeline you should follow in order to complete your Contracts. Check out also our presentation and video below.



If your major has a thesis or capstone requirement, you are required to do

If your major does not have a senior thesis, you are required to do




Before the semester begins

Begin brainstorming courses you might wish to complete a contract in along with possible contract ideas. If you are unfamiliar with the contract process, then review our Honors Contract presentation, which outlines the process in greater detail!

First week of the semester

Approach the professor in whose class you wish to create an Honors Contract and politely solicit their help. Be sure to educate your professor on the requirements and commitment of such an undertaking. See the website for Faculty Resources. Submit a request to create an honors contract to the course professor.

First and Second weeks of the semester

In collaboration with your professor, develop the contract, write and submit a proposal. The form is available on the website. Attend a Contract Mentor Workshop to receive feedback on your proposal. Proposals (including course syllabus) are due the Friday of the second week by noon. In lieu of your professor's signature on the form, you can simply cc your professor when you email us your proposal.

Third week of the semester

Contract Proposals are distributed to Honors Contract Mentors who determine whether the objectives, outcomes, and methods necessary to achieve greater depth and rigor have been clearly articulated. All contracts are then reviewed by the Honors Advisory Board. By the end of the third week the Director notifies each student whether their proposal has been accepted, rejected or whether the Board recommends revisions. Revisions are due by the date specified by the Director. If you need to modify your contract in the course of the semester, notify the Honors Director immediately.

During the semester

Students work independently on their contracts. The proposal form asks how often the student plans to check in with their professor, and students should follow that plan.

End of the semester

Contracts are due by the Friday of Finals week, though students are welcome to submit them early. Email your research product to the honors email so we can archive it. If the Honors Contract requirements are met to the satisfaction of the professor, the professor notifies the Honors Program and the Registrar via email, and the student receives honors course credit on their transcript.


For more information contact the Honors Program at honors@stmarys-ca.edu, or come to an Honors Contract Workshop the first week of each semester.

CHECK OUT Jacques in a great "How To" video created by SMC Honors students Justher Gutierrez, Emily Sutfin, and the Honors class of 2014.

CHECK OUT this presentation about Contracts.

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